Pink Rhinestone Collar

In the middle of preparing for Chaos Hunt’s release, a group of writers I know decided to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo. Camp NaNo is a version of NaNoWriMo for those not familiar with it. Unlike the big event in November, this one happens in April and July. The other major difference is that instead of 50,000 words, you can set your own goals. I set a modest goal of 10,000 words or roughly 334 words. And to my surprise, I’ve been hitting it on a nightly basis.

I’m working on a short story that will be set sometime after Chaos Hunt but before the beginning of the next book. And I have been having fun writing it. The only things I’m willing to share about it are three words. Pink. Rhinestone. Collar.

Just typing those words makes me grin.

This is part of why I became a writer – the joy creating a well-told story can bring.  In the long run, this story may not make me any money or be read by more than a handful of people. But the important thing is that I will have had a fun time writing it.  I’m currently at 7,500 words and should finish by the end of next week.

When will you get to read this story? Sometime before the end of 2022. It will be available as a freebie when you subscribe to my email list. You can subscribe now if you want, and get two other short stories I’ve written immediately.  When Pink Rhinestone Collar is ready, I’ll provide it with its real title to the email list.

Unless you think it should stay Pink Rhinestone Collar.

And I still can’t stop grinning.